StarChild Scavenger Hunt - Level 2


Answer Key

1. Six

2. Shaped like an elongated closed curve

3. Planet Hop

4. Astronauts, Space Wardrobe, Space Travel, Space Probes, Hubble Space Telescope

5. 1966

6. Pioneer at Jupiter

7. Space Travel and Apollo 11

8. Pluto

9. The Universe

10. Svana

11. Violin

12. 310 pounds

13. The lunar crust is thicker on one side.

14. The pilot

15. Mariner 10

16. Between $65,140 and $100,701 a year

17. New Mexico and Maryland

18. Mathematics

19. "Tranquillity base here, the Eagle has landed."

20. 100,000 Light Years; 950,000,000,000,000,000 Kilometers

21. "it's spectrum seems bluer"

22. February 2, 1995

23. He was convicted of heresy for promoting the heliocentric theory of our solar system.

24. Time After Time

25. German, Italian, Portuguese

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