The Planets and Moons of Our Solar System

This activity can be used in conjunction with the StarChild Solar System Level 1 information.

This activity can engage your students not only in learning about the solar system, but in practicing important language arts skills. Besides being a good skill builder for learners with limited reading skills, the students will also practice their understanding of concepts and words such as first, second, third, etc.; closest, farthest; more than, less than. Basic math skills such as counting and ordering are also involved.

  1. This planet has one more moon than Earth. The planet is called ________________. It has ________moons.

  2. This planet has the most moons. The planet is called ____________________. It has ______ moons.

  3. This planet is closest to the Sun. The planet is called _________________. It has _________ moons.

  4. This planet has the second most moons. The planet is called ______________. It has _________ moons.

  5. This planet is third from the Sun. The planet is called _______________. It has _________moon.

  6. This planet is the farthest planet from the Sun. The planet is called _____________. It has ___________ moons.

  7. This planet has the same number of moons as Mercury has. The planet is called _____________. It has ____________moons.

  8. This is the closest to Neptune. The planet is called __________________. It has ___________ moons.

    Solar System progression from the Sun to Neptune

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