NuSTAR Grant Reporting

NuSTAR Guest Observer Program Summary of Research Report (progress report, final report)

NASA and the federal government have specific requirements for the reporting of results obtained by the recipients of grant funds. The Grant and Cooperative Agreement Manual (GCAM), which can be obtained from the Grants Policy and Compliance Branch website, details much of this information while Appendix F of the document lists the specific reporting requirements.

NuSTAR GOs receiving NASA grants are required to file a final report detailing their supported activities within 90 days of the conclusion of the grant period. The report should list the objectives of the research and the achieved goals, including the dissemination of the results (i.e., papers published on the subject). The report should be submitted by the budget Principal Investigator, and should include the activities of any subgrant recipients. If the proposed research was not feasible, explain why not.

Multi-Cycle programs are required to submit an annual progress report that is due 60 days prior to the anniversary date of the award, except during the final year of the award after which a final report (see above) is required.

The report should be written using the Research Performance Progress Report (RPPR) format. There is a list of standard data elements that must be included in each progress/final report. A form for the progress/final report that lists the required cover page data elements is available in pdf, and annotated LaTex formats.

The "NASA proposal number" that is requested at the top right of the form is that of the original science proposal. This is the five-digit number assigned by NASA. The "Grant Number" (formerly a NAG number), requested just below the "NASA proposal number" on the form, can be found in the grant package.

The final report should be e-mailed to the Technical Officer for NuSTAR GO grants at It should also be e-mailed to the Grant Officer of NASA's Shared Services Center (NSSC) at, in addition to any other reports requested by NSSC.

The annual progress report that is required for mutil-cycle programs should be sent to the Technical Officer for NuSTAR GO grants at and Grant Officer at the NSSC at

Technical Officer
Dr. Craig Markwardt (Cycle 1-4)
Dr. Andrew Ptak (Cycle 5)
Dr. Tod Strohmayer (Cycle 6 and later)

If you request a No-Cost Extension, please sumit the progress report through the No-Cost Extension Request page.