Vela-5B Bibliography: Refereed journals

artist concept of Vela 5B
  1. Restless quiescence: thermonuclear flashes between transient X-ray outbursts
    Kuulkers, E et al., A&A, 503, 889 (2009)
  2. The Variable Superorbital Modulation of Cygnus X-1
    Rico, J, ApJL, 683, L55 (2008)
  3. Periodic long-term X-ray and radio variability of Cygnus X-1
    Lachowicz, P et al., MNRAS, 368, 1025 (2006)
  4. Long-Term X-Ray Variability of Circinus X-1
    Parkinson, P et al., ApJ, 595, 333 (2003)
  5. Long-term properties of accretion discs in X-ray binaries - II. Stability of radiation-driven warping
    Clarkson, W et al., MNRAS, 343, 1213 (2003)
  6. Long-term X-ray variability and state transition of GX 339-4
    Kong, A et al., MNRAS, 329, 588 (2002)
  7. Binary and Long-Term (Triple?) Modulations of 4U 1820-30 in NGC 6624
    Chou, Y & Grindlay, J, ApJ, 563, 934 (2001)
  8. Changes in the Long-Term Intensity Variations in Cygnus X-2 and LMC X-3
    Paul, B et al., ApJ, 528, 410 (2000)
  9. GINGA All-Sky Monitor Observations of Cygnus X-1
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 531, 546 (2000)
  10. RXTE Observations of the Be Star X-Ray Transient X0726-260 (4U 0728-25): Orbital and Pulse Periods
    Corbet, R & Peele, A, ApJL, 489, L83 (1997)
  11. The Properties of X-Ray and Optical Light Curves of X-Ray Novae
    Chen, W et al., ApJ, 491, 312 (1997)
  12. Detection of a approximately 78 day Period in the RXTE, VELA 5B, and Ariel 5 All-Sky Monitor Data of Cygnus X-2
    Wijnands, R et al., ApJL, 473, L45 (1996)
  13. Recurrence Times and Periodicities in 4U 1608-52 as Observed by VELA 5B
    Lochner, J & Roussel-Dupre, D, ApJ, 435, 840 (1994)
  14. Observations of the Small Magellanic Cloud by the VELA 5B X-Ray Monitor
    Whitlock, L & Lochner, J, ApJ, 437, 841 (1994)
  15. The Unstable Long-Term Periodicity of Aquila X-1
    Kitamoto, S et al., ApJ, 403, 315 (1993)
  16. Long-Term Variability in Low-Mass X-Ray Binaries: A Study Using Data from VELA 5B
    Smale, A & Lochner, J, ApJ, 395, 582 (1992)
  17. Search for X-ray eclipses in the 1969 outburst of Centaurus X-4.
    Whitlock, L et al., A&A, 238, 140 (1990)
  18. Discovery of a Bright X-Ray Nova, GS 2000+25
    Tsunemi, H et al., ApJL, 337, L81 (1989)
  19. Observations of the X-Ray Transient 4U 0115+63
    Whitlock, L et al., ApJ, 338, 381 (1989)
  20. Reanalysis of the 1973 Outburst of the X-Ray Transient V0332+53
    Whitlock, L, ApJ, 344, 371 (1989)
  21. The Vela 5B spacecraft: long-term X-ray astronomy.
    Terrell, J, JBIS, 42, 309 (1989)
  22. The 1973 X-ray outburst of 4U1145-61
    Terrell, J, NYASA, 571, 534 (1989)
  23. Long-Term Observations of Three Massive X-Ray Binary Transients: 4U0115+63, V0332+53, and GX301-2.
    Whitlock, L, PhD Thesis, 14 (1989)
  24. The Very Low Frequency Power Spectrum of Centaurus X-3
    Gruber, D, ApJ, 328, 265 (1988)
  25. Recurrent Population II X-ray transients — similarities to SU UMa cataclysmic variables
    Priedhorsky, W, Ap&SS, 126, 89 (1986)
  26. VELA Observations of Centaurus A X-Ray Activity, 1969--1979
    Terrell, J, ApJ, 300, 669 (1986)
  27. Long-Term Observations of Cygnus X-3 with VELA 5B
    Priedhorsky, W & Terrell, J, ApJ, 301, 886 (1986)
  28. Long Term Observations of CYGNUS-X-3 with VELA-5B
    Priedhorsky, W, SSRv, 40, 305 (1985)
  29. Long-term observations of X-ray sources : the Aquila-Serpens-Scutum.
    Priedhorsky, W & Terrell, J, ApJ, 280, 661 (1984)
  30. Discovery of a 176 day period in 4U 1820-30.
    Priedhorsky, W & Terrell, J, ApJL, 284, L17 (1984)
  31. The 1973 X-ray transient V 0332+53.
    Terrell, J & Priedhorsky, W, ApJL, 285, L15 (1984)
  32. Evidence for an approximatily 300 day period in Cygnus X-1.
    Priedhorsky, W et al., ApJ, 270, 233 (1983)
  33. Cygnus X-1 : optical variation on the 294 day X-ray period.
    Kemp, J et al., ApJL, 271, L65 (1983)
  34. Long-term X-ray observations of CEN X-3, GX 301-2 (4U 1223-62), GX 304-1 (4U 1258-61) and 4U 1145-61.
    Priedhorsky, W & Terrell, J, ApJ, 273, 709 (1983)
  35. 111-day periodicity of X-ray transient A0535 + 26
    Priedhorsky, W & Terrell, J, Natur, 303, 681 (1983)
  36. Observation of two gamma-ray bursts by VELA X-ray detectors.
    Terrell, J et al., ApJ, 254, 279 (1982)
  37. Bidirectional anisotropies in solar cosmic ray events: evidence for magnetic bottles
    Palmer, I et al., JGR, 83, 75 (1978)
  38. The solar proton event of April 16, 1970, 1. Features in interplanetary space and in the magnetosheath
    Palmer, I et al., JGR, 82, 2657 (1977)
  39. The solar proton event of April 16, 1970, 2. Transformation of proton pitch angle distributions from the solar wind into the magnetosheath
    Higbie, P & Palmer, I, JGR, 82, 2665 (1977)
  40. The discovery of X-ray bursts from a region in the constellation Norma.
    Belian, R et al., ApJL, 206, L135 (1976)
  41. Observations of intense cosmic X-ray bursts.
    Evans, W et al., ApJL, 207, L91 (1976)
  42. Results of X-ray and optical monitoring of Scorpius X-1 in 1970.
    Mook, D et al., ApJ, 197, 425 (1975)
  43. A Probable Precursor to the X-Ray Nova Centaurus XR-4
    Belian, R et al., ApJL, 171, L87 (1972)
  44. Coordinated observations of the magnetosphere: The development of a substorm
    Mende, S et al., JGR, 77, 4682 (1972)
  45. X-ray Observations of Cyg X-3 Near the Time of Radio Outbursts
    Conner, J et al., NPhS, 239, 125 (1972)
  46. Time Variation of the X-Ray Spectrum and Optical Luminosity of SCO X-1
    Kitamura, T et al., Ap&SS, 12, 378 (1971)
  47. The Time Behavior of Temperature and Emission Measure in X-Ray Flares
    Milkey, R et al., SoPh, 20, 400 (1971)
  48. X-Ray and Optical Variations of Scorpius X-1
    Evans, W et al., ApJL, 162, L115 (1970)
  49. The Recent Appearance of a New X-Ray Source in the Southern Sky
    Conner, J et al., ApJL, 157, L157 (1969)

This list of refeered publications was obtained by searching the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System abstract search for Vela 5B. Known false matches (e.g.“XC” used in a context not refering to the Vela 5B XC instrument) have been removed.

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